Sponsorship and Scholarship Programme
With this programme, we target institutions, organizations and individual supporters outside of Haiti to assist vulnarable primary and secondary students, and children in Haiti. The way it works is that a student who find a supporter should send letters and pictures to his/her supporter to express his/her gratitude for the help received, and the supporter may also send letters and pictures to the supportee. This will help the students to focus on their studies as they know that someone is thinking about and helping them from abroad. So far, 3 supporters, including 2 from the UK, and 1 from the US, have responded and helped 3 students in Haiti through this programme. However, we have a very long waiting list of students who would like to find a supporter. Our goal with programme is to provide needy students with tuition fees, school supplies, uniforms and shoes per year, and of course providing them with a contact that will help them in their networking. A supporter can sponsor one or a group of students with a minimum of USD 250 per student per year.