From 2015 to 2020, ORPRIE already organized 7 “Prix D’Encouragement” or Encouragement Award. The latter is the name given to the official ceremony in which we give out school fees, bags, books, laptops and exercice books to secondary students who are the top performers for their schools, and those experiencing financial difficulties at school. More than 2000 people from the community of Vialet gather together each year and attend this yearly educational event. In sum, we already helped 46 secondary students using a merit-based approach, and 250 vulnarable secondary students on the basis of need. So far, ORPRIE has spent over 7,000 USD in this programme.

During the first edition in 2015, it was the student SAINT Wickenlove who won the first prize for obtaining the best grade (1034 out of 1400) in the national exams for 9th grade students, and was classified in first position out of all the 9th grade students of the first municipal section of Petit-Goave.

In the second edition in 2016, there was an innovation, instead of a single winner, we selected three, including JOASNIS Jonathan, he obtained 998 out of 1400 points, and held the best mark for the entire first communal section of Petit -Goâve; ÉDOUARD Letouarsonder, he obtained 982 out of 1400 points, and held the second best mark for the entire first municipal section of Petit-Goâve; Sheeder-Fania, she obtained 965 out of 1400 points and held the third best mark for the entire first communal section of Petit-Goâve.

In the third edition in 2017, we selected 11 winners, who are: BALTAZAR Josiana, she got the best mark (1153/1400) for the entire first municipal section of Petit-Goâve; AZOR Youdemie, she obtained the second best mark (1116/1400); SIMÉ Anderson, he got the third best mark (1096/140); VELCINÉ Jovanie, she obtained the fourth best mark (1094/1400); LOUISSAINT Ricardo, he won the fifth best score (1054/1400); PIERRE Béatrice, she obtained the sixth best mark (1048/1400); RENÉ Tamarard, she collected the seventh best score (1039/1400); INNOCENT Keveen, she got the eighth best mark (989/1400); CIRUS Darline, she acquired the ninth best score (986/1400); Leonard Djoumica, she had the tenth best grade (945/1400); BERNADIN Bergena, she was a special case and obtained the eleventh best mark (972/1400).

In 2018, during the fourth edition, Orprie honored 11 oustanding secondary students. Here is the list, their pass mark out of 1600 and school of origin:
1) Soffia SAINT-FLEUR: 1260- Lycée Roseline Vaval de Vialet
2) Azarias DÉANT: 1223 – College Sainte-Thérèse de Vialet
3) Danaëlle BRUTUS: 1194 – Collège Bon Berger de Croix-Hilare
4) Clarens SAINT-FORT: 1154 – Mixed College on the Renewal
5) Esther PIERRE-LOUIS: 112 – College Vision of the Good Samaritan
6) Lorie THELISMA: 1118 – New Nelson Mandela College
7) Jean Wesly COURTOIS: 1101- National School Léonie Devis Morency de l’Acul
8) Roseline CHARLÉMÉUS: 1030 – Mixed College Brother Ardouin
9) Lorsheen-Love: 1026 – Mendel Gregor College
10) Naroody RIGOR: 1OO3 – King Solomon Mixed College
11) Rosemelita: 968 – Mixed School La Providence de Mangot-Marion.

In 2019, given that the number of schools increased in the locality of Vialet, ORPRIE honored 17 winners. Here are their names and schools provenance and their grades out of 1400 points:
1) GASPARD Dulio, Vision College of the Good Samaritan: 1170pts
2) LEONARD Elisabeth Safira, Bon Berger School: 1159 pts
3) DOZA Yvrose, Lycée Roseline Vaval: 1152 pts
4) FRANCOIS Kerline, Etzer Vilaire College: 1134 pts
5) GEORGES Love, Sainte Therese College: 1116 pts
6) MONTILE Gilberto, National School Leoni Dévis Morency: 1085 pts
7) DUCLERVIL Nider, François Rabelais College: 1078 pts
8) ROSILIEN Fabiola, La Providence Mixed Community School: 1072 pts
9) JEAN SIMON Roldor, Nelson Mandela College: 1068 pts
10) LAGUERRE Gaëlla Séna, Mixed College Montesquieu: 1058 pts
11) SAINT-CYR Monica, College La Perfection: 1032 pts
12) FONTIN Denison, Barette Community School: 1044 pts
13) TESSIER Joseline, Collège Mixte le Renouveau: 1017 pts
14) FONTUS Clairvenson, College Frère Ardouin: 966 pts
15) FREMONT Mirabelle, Collège Philosophe Réunie: 943 pts
16) ESTINVIL Farah, Collège Chateaubriand: 906 pts
17) JEAN Wiseline, Inst. Mixed Mendel Gregor: 864 pts

In 2020, three outstanding secondary students were selected, including Neïka VENDOME, she obtained 1275 out of 1600 points, and held the best mark for the entire first and second communal section of Petit -Goâve; Faline BAPTISTE, he obtained 1271 out of 1600 points, and held the second best mark for the entire first and second communal section of Petit-Goâve; And Felixon AUGUSTE, he obtained 1270 out of 1600 points and held the third best mark for the entire first and second communal section of Petit-Goâve.

In the 7th edition in 2021, we selected three outstanding female students, including Jean Pierre Lourdes-Miya, she obtained 1250 out of 1600 points, and held the best mark for the entire first and second communal section of Petit -Goâve; Joseph Rebecca, she obtained 1241 out of 1600 points and held the second best mark for the entire first and second municipal section of Petit-Goâve; Noel Madiana, she obtained 1220 out of 1600 points and held the third best mark for the entire first and second communal section of Petit-Goâve.